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ref:topbtw-991.html/ 4 Settembre 2017/A

Una lettera dalla Cina..
The Dancing Ladies ...
It's a wonderful way to reinforce bonds and to be in control of the city.
It would be amazing if Italy could do the same...

Cina: da un posto qualsiasi..

China has a very strong traditional culture related to health:
Never drinking icy water, even in the summer to avoid congestion;
fully cooking all foods to make sure they're safe;
using herbal medicines, a fashion which is gaining popularity in Italy as well.

Chinese traditions adapt to modern times, and in recent years a new habit has emerged:
dancing in the evenings.

Imagine this:
You have just come home from work, and it is six o'clock, already dark.

Even though the streets are illuminated, as soon as you enter your neighborhood everything gets darker.

Then what do you hear?
Chinese opera ringing in the air.

You approach the sound, and you see five aged women dancing at the rhythm of the music.

There is one leader who knows all the movements, and there are four behind her, following her actions.

Five is a small group: neighborhood friends who dance in the evenings. There are much larger groups in front of shopping centers, banks, supermarkets, schools and post offices:
Sometimes up to 100!

It looks like a performance, but it's actually just a group activity:
tens of women, row after row, who follow the dance.

It isn't always a dance: sometimes it's your classic morning stretch, only put to music: it can be traditional music, but often it is Chinese pop.

There are women in general, but sometimes men join in as well.

Everyone is welcome, even only for thirty seconds.

My mother once saw a man talking on his phone, who passed by a group in our neighborhood.

He joined in for about thirty seconds, making a few movements (still talking on his phone) then walked away.

It's a way to form communities, to share music together.

Grandparents are busy during the day:
Chinese cooking usually takes at least one hour, so they go grocery shopping in the morning to cook for their family at lunch.

They rest in the early afternoon, then care for grandchildren when parents are still working.

There's a very strong family bond in China, and aged people with grandchildren must take care of them during the day, so evenings are the only time to socialize.

"This is a passion of mine."

The leader of a group explained.
"I love to dance, it's a way to exercise and talk with other people you might see during the day as well."

For example, when I went to interview them for this article one of them recognized me, since her nephew went to the same kindergarten as me! It's truly a way to meet, or remeet people you might've lost contact with.

China isn't just safe because of the skilled law enforcement officers, but also because people are in control of their city.

In Italy, it's very risky to go out alone after dark, especially in plazas.

People are afraid.

A girl can't go unaccompanied, let alone aged men and women, prime target of thieves and pocket-snatchers.

If there were, say, fifty women dancing in Piazza Vittorio in Turin, things would be different.

Even five people who put on "Occidentali's Karma" and started dancing in Piazza S.Marco in Venice could make a difference.

Everyone knows that groups are safe, while the individual could be in danger.

Using that, one could recruit twenty people, put "Volare" on a Bluetooth speaker, and have everyone dance.

Which thief would have the guts to go there and try stealing ?
Which rapist would risk going there and being recognized ?

Yes, I know that we're scared that terrorists will target groups:
but do you really want to give them our city, our communities ?

The people dancing in China haven't always had the respect they deserve.

A few years ago, people threw down bags full of garbage to make them be quiet.

This went to such extent that the government was forced to intervene.

As a compromise, it was decided that these groups could meet in gardens, in front of malls and other public buildings, so they had more space and didn't disturb others.

Dancers are not embarrassed because they can't dance or follow the music, nobody should be.

All you must do is follow the movements of the group leader.

If dancing in the evenings is what you're doing to improve your health and fitness, why would you be embarrassed that people watch you ?
What you are doing is inspiring others to join in as well, which is nothing to be self-conscious about.

We are talking about aged and middle-aged people here, individuals who need to go outside and do physical exercise.

Actually, what these people are doing is much more:
caring for health and forming communities by talking and socializing.
It's a wonderful way to reinforce bonds and to be in control of the city.
It would be amazing if Italy could do the same..

Cortesia di L.B.

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