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ref:topbtw-928.html/ 16 Luglio 2017/A

24 miliardi di dollari per l'agricoltura Africana.. o poi magari cinese, in Africa.
AfDB to invest US$24 billion in agriculture
in next 10 years

La Cina, uno dei maggiori "donatori" dalla BAD avrà quindi l'occasione per completare il programma di acquisizione di terreni, coltivazioni e strutture portuali in Africa avvalendosi non solo del suo potere politico ed economico ma anche della sua abilità di conquista.

Infatti non solo fornirà manodopera, impianti, macchinari ed attrezzature Cinesi, non solo realizzerà le infrastrutture logistiche necessarie ed obbligatorie per la movimentazione delle derrate alimentari, ma potrà avere un peso politico essenziale sui governi africani per realizzare la "dolce invasione" per altro già in atto in via "sperimentale" alla cinese..

Il quadro diverrà chiaro quando si vedranno le tipologie dei prodotti coltivati.

Se saranno prodotti destinati a sfamare gli africani riducendo le loro importazioni esterne oppure a sfamare i Cinesi, aumentando le esportazioni verso la Cina e lasciando gli Africani affamati come prima, e magari pure più di prima..

Insomma, alla fin fine, potrebbe pure esserci "lo scherzetto cinese"..

The African Development Bank (AfDB) will invest US $24 billion dollars in agriculture as part of its Feed Africa programme- a strategy for agricultural development in Africa.

President of the Bank, Akinwumi Adesina, said this in a speech he delivered at the 50th anniversary celebration of the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA) in Ibadan, Nigeria,

Adesina emphasized that the goal of the Bank is to “ensure that Africa feeds itself within ten years, and unlocks the full potential of its agriculture.”

The IITA hosted a series of events to celebrate 50 years of excellence in research.
Dignitaries attended the event from across the continent.

The Institute recognized Adesina’s immense contributions to improving agriculture and named a newly constructed building after him.

The US $700,000 Akinwumi Adesina Youth Agripreneurs Building is a new Training Facility for Capacity Development for Youth Agripreneurs funded by the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and IITA.

The training facility comprises two major training rooms that can conveniently accommodate 50 trainees each, two big offices for 30 interns each, and 20 standard sized offices.

“I am humbled, and deeply appreciative of the opportunity to lend my name to this well-equipped building which will be used by young Agripreneurs to learn, set up and launch their own businesses, and create a prosperous living for themselves, their families and those they will employ,”
Adesina said .

Adesina re-affirmed his conviction that the future millionaires and billionaires of Africa will emerge from the agriculture sector.
“Africa is today spending $35 billion a year importing food.
That is US$35 billion that should be kept on the continent.

This is a US$35 billion market that young people can tap into to create new wealth each year.

To do that requires totally changing the lenses with which we look at agriculture.

Agriculture should no longer be seen as a way of life or a development sector, but rather as a business for wealth creation,”
he emphasized.

( BAD / G. Comerio )


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