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ref:topbtw-3758.html/ 28 Ott. 2023


Armi, e combattenti, per Gaza..

In realtà.. Gaza delenda est!

Delegate to Arab Parliament:
Libya ready to send weapons to Gaza if borders are open..

The member of the House of Representatives (HoR) and representative of Libya in the Arab Parliament, Hassan Barghouthi, reaffirmed Libya's support for the Palestinian resistance without hesitation or fear of the international community.

Barghouthi's remarks came in his speech during a session of the Arab Parliament on Wednesday, when he expressed Libya's readiness to send weapons to the resistance in Gaza if there was a mechanism to open borders.

He also said that if the borders with Gaza were open, Libya would transfer all the weapons inside the country to the resistance, and explained that there were young men from Libya who asked about the existence of a mechanism to go and fight in Gaza if the borders would be opened.

The Libyan delegate also added that all Libyans believed in the Palestinian Cause:
"heart and soul, the young before the old," stressing their willingness to give everything they have to the Palestinian Cause.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Committee in the House of Representatives, Youssef Al-Agouri, called in his speech Thursday during the thirty-fifth emergency conference of the Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union;
for Arab action toward an immediate halt to the aggression against Gaza, urging them not to accept any solution that included displacing the people of the Gaza Strip under any justification.

Al-Agouri called for Arab diplomatic and parliamentary action at all levels away from political statements.
He called on them to work to mobilize regional and international support and hold the international community responsible for the crimes of Israeli aggression in the Gaza Strip.

( Redazione )

La chiosa...

Certamente torti e ragioni da oltre cinquant'anni si aggrovigliano..

Invio di armi e di combattenti.. "appena le frontiere saranno aperte.."

La comica.. Perché ovviamente potranno arrivare liberamente ?

Certamente il non esistere di "due stati" ha inasprito gli animi e fomentato odio e crudeltà..

Ma chi è mai oggi il mio nemico ?
E' quello che, a casa mia, mette le bombe ed ammazza i passanti.

E gli europei ormai ne sono ben coscienti.

Certamente gli oltre mille ebrei trucidati verranno ampiamente vendicati..
Ed alla fin fine.. Gaza delenda est !

( Editore )


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