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ref:topbtw-2878.html/ 15 Febbraio 2021/A

Nuove tecnologie

Il radar a controllo remoto.

Le notizie che non leggete sugli organi di disinformazione di massa..

Keep Your Nation Secure.
The Remote Controlled Radar...

Are you ready to keep your Nation Secure ?

The Remote-Controlled Radar Solution Will Keep Your Nation Secure.

Remote-Controlled Radar is critical to protecting the Nation.
The team of experts combines proven experience and cutting-edge technologies to address today's threats and tomorrow's challenges.

The radar system could be installed on a marine platform to control sea areas with a standard surveillance range of approximately 18km.

Protecting a Nation from intrusions is a complex task involving remote-controlled radars, sensors, interceptors, and a robust command and control system that must work as one.


Science and Technology - The remote controlled radar system by

New remote-controlled radar technology is now available in Europe that will boost security onboard ships.

A new radar technology is now available in Europe and could be utilized with no political or commercial restrictions.

The remote controlled radar system is composed by an independent radar emitter / receiver and a main radar control-room.

The remote radar unit is linked to the main control room by satellite/4G dual communication system.

Target echo is analyzed, providing operators with speed, and direction information.

All echoes parameters will be recorded in case of needs for extra analysis.

18km ( 10nml ) surveillance range.

The radar system could be installed on a marine platform to control sea areas with a standard surveillance range of approximately 18km. ( 10nml )

One operator, in a large size control room, is able to follow up to 5/6 remote radar units.

Multiple units are expected to be operative in a short time in order to survey and to protect the marine border of a north African nation.

The land installation required a small size surface of approx 20 x 20 m only, just to install the main 20' container, the 24 m radar antenna, the solar panels , the wind power generator and the antennas providing for the data link connecting the remote radar unit as well as the TV cameras, to the main radar control room.

The standard radar control range of 18 Km could be increased up to 50 km ( 30 nml ) by installing the radar antenna on a proper land elevation.


The radar unit as well as the TV cameras could be installed on board of any ships, fishing vessels, yachts.

The Ship owner will be able to follow his vessel when sailing on open oceans..

The command and control room could be installed worldwide in any suitable and protected location.

One operator , in a large size control room, is able to follow up to 5/6 remote radar units.

More details and technical information are on the web, looking at:

Sea Side Protection - Installation on a buoy:

Land protection - Installation on the ground:

Ships protection


Video presentation:
YouTube link

( G.C.. )

160- - 5 G DIFFUSION - - "300 Castelli" -- "300 Castelli" - Presentazione - Italiano - 2' 30" -

La nuova serie televisiva: i 300 castelli Italiani La nouvelle série télévisée " 300 châteaux d'Italie"


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