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ref:topbtw-1340.html/ 3 Agosto 2018/A


Fakebook ed i "Resister" anti-Trump
Mysterious Facebook Page Led To Real Life Anti-Trump Protests

Thousands of people attended these fake, anti-Trump protests in New York City and Missouri.

Ora che si scopre che uno è figlio di un consigliere del PD - e magari che pure suo è il Fiat Doblo', manco pulito dalla frittata - ecco che i cattivi "razzisti bianchi" , dopo aver rotto le uova contro sei-sette bianchi prima dei quali non gliene fregava niente a nessuno , ora diventano dei monelli e nulla più..

Insomma gli annoiati ricchi giovani balordi, pure cretini sporcaccioni, ora sono solo "goliardi" in vena di scherzi..
Il "razzismo" si è diluito nella bagna cauda.. con un ovetto finale..
Perchè il PD, alla fin fine, lava tutte le macchie, anche quelle più nere..

E quindi, tutti troppo occupati con le uova fresche, con le frittate dei tre ragazzini piemontesi di Vinovo, ecco la notizia che oggi non conoscerete mai:
non verrà certo pubblicata dai mezzi di disinformazione di massa italiani.
Nuova RAI inclusa..silente ed assente..

Perchè il giochino dei falsi utenti di Facebook era noto da molto tempo a da altrettanto molto tempo utilizzato dagli amici di Soros e dagli amici del Clan del Circo Clinton..
E dai "resister" pure..

New York -

Facebook has busted a shady Facebook group that was smearing President Donald Trump and creating anti-Trump protests in the U.S., according to The Hill.

Despite no significant media attention, this latest report is crucial, given it throws cold water on the Democrats claim that Russia — and other foreign actors — have been trying to use social media to help Trump.

In fact, they have been interfering about equally.

The Facebook group was called the “Resisters,” and they staged anti-Trump events in New York City, New York, and Springfield, Missouri.

The Hill reports that at least three of the anti-Trump events were collectively attended by thousands of people, and that it was at least partially organized on Facebook by the Resisters group.

The group’s actions match other Russia trolls who used the platform to spread misinformation during the 2016 presidential election.

Liberals, unsurprising to many, have responded to the “events” by claiming the protests would have happened without the trolls.

In a call with reporters, Facebook officials said they do not know who is behind the Resisters account, but said the group displayed behavior that matched the Internet Research Agency, the Russian troll farm indicted by Special Counsel Robert Mueller for using social media to meddle in the 2016 election.

This is crucial to understand because many, many Democrats and media pundits have claimed for nearly two years that Russia played a big role in the election to help and favor Trump.

The president has vehemently denied “colluding” with Russia during the election and Mueller has not produced any evidence proving the president broke any laws.

But this shows how outside groups, or perhaps foreign actors, aren’t necessarily supporting one lawmaker or official over another — but rather creating campaigns that spread misinformation and rile up both sides.

The goals of these misinformation campaigns are to, in theory, turn people against each other by pushing controversial topics.

Facebook appears to be saying that while they cannot prove Russia or Russia-connected actors ran the Resisters group, they admitted the group displayed similar behavior as the Russian trolls during the election.

That would add credence to the argument that alleged foreign actors were primarily focused on pitting two sides against each other — Republicans and Democrats — and not helping one official over another.

The Resisters staged three events:
“We Stand with DREAMers! Support DACA!” in New York on Sept. 9, 2017;
“The People’s Protest.

Springfield against Trump” in Missouri on Aug. 30, 2017;
and “Protest Trump and ideology of hate at Trump Tower!” at Trump Tower last year.

Liberal officials in Missouri told The Hill that the protests would have happened anyway, and that “Russia” or “anyone else” did not affect their decision to attend.

So, a Facebook group called “Resisters” — which associates itself with the #Resistance movement from the Left to oppose Trump — staged at least three anti-Trump protests.

It’s unclear who was operating the Resisters page, but Facebook appears to have admitted that they were operating similarly to the Russian trolls.

If true, that would show that the Russians — who Democrats claim have been helping Trump — are staging anti-Trump protests in the U.S.

Courtesy by Mark Megahan


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