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ref:topbtw-1332.html/ 26 Luglio 2018/A


La solita minaccia nucleare..
Azerbaijan hints could strike nuclear power plant in Armenia


The Azerbaijani Defense Ministry has declared that there are certain targets on the territory of Armenia whose destruction will lead to “human extinction for centuries.”

The statement came after Nagorno Karabakh Defense Minister Levon Mnatsakanyan said that the Defense Army will immediately strike the Mingachevir Hydro Power Station in Azerbaijan in the event of necessity.

The Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan did not specifically mention the Metsamor nuclear power plant in Armenia, but the NPP is theoretically the only facility whose destruction could lead to “human extinction for centuries” in the area.

However, any catastrophe at the plant would endanger not only Armenia, but also Turkey, Iran, Georgia and Azerbaijan.

“The most modern weapon systems of our armed forces, possessing destructive power are capable of destroying all important military facilities and strategic communication lines of the rival in a short period of time,”
the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry said in a statement, reports.

At a meeting with reporters, Mnatsakanyan said that Mingachevir HPP is included in the tactical plans of the Karabakh Defense Army as a target.

( Gagrule )

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