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ref:topbtw-1295.html/ 24 Giugno 2018/A


Prostituzione.. a tutta birra!
"inside the battery cage"


La prostituzione in Germania ?
Un inferno.. sempre più esteso..sempre più buio..

Con tariffe anche minimali: dai 30 € in poi..
L'ora lavorativa media: 100 €

La Polizia, la classe Politica: con occhi ben chiusi, e bocca ed orecchie pure..

Criminalità, droga, violenza: a tutta birra..

Insomma una totale catastrofe morale ben nascosta gestita da organizzazioni multinazionali di criminali, tutte organizzazioni ben radicate nel paese..

Ricordiamo che la prostituzione, in Germania, è 100% legale e..tassata !

Prostitution in Germany is legal, as are all aspects of the sex industry, including brothels, advertisement, and job offers through HR companies.

Full service sex work is widespread and regulated by the German government, which levies taxes on it.

In 2002, the government changed the law in an effort to improve the legal situation of sex workers.

However, the social stigmatization of sex work persists and many workers continue to lead a double life.

Human rights organizations consider the resulting common exploitation of women from Eastern and Southeastern Europe to be the main problem associated with the profession.

In 2005, the ruling grand coalition of CDU and SPD announced plans to punish customers of forced prostitutes, if the customer could reasonably have been aware of the situation.

In April 2009 it was reported that the plans would provide for a penalty of up to 5 years in prison.

The law had not been enacted when the center-right CDU-FDP coalition came to power in November 2009.

In 2014, the coalition of CDU and SPD renewed their plans to increase regulation and control of prostitution.

Several organisations protested against these plans, amongst them prostitutes organisations as Hydra, Doña Carmen, the 'Berufsverband erotische und sexuelle Dienstleistungen', and an anonymous group of customers, the Freieroffensive.

In 2016 & 2017 many of the proposals were brought into law.

Inside the 'battery cage': Prostitution in Germany

Drugs, violence, fatal intimidation:
Women sell their bodies for as little as €30 in Germany, while others reap the profits of the transaction.

DW met one woman who described her experience as a former sex trade worker.

On most nights, she would take ten or twelve, sometimes as many as fourteen men up to her room, where she would endure until three in the morning.

"That's all I could bear," Julia told DW, using the name that her clients call her by.

Other women, she said, the ones that worked all night and catered for clients' more unusual demands would get through the long hours on a cocktail of alcohol and drugs.

DW is unable to verify the woman's story independently.

But it tallies with accounts by social workers and police acquainted with the sex industry.

Julia also showed DW pictures from her time as a sex worker.

She asked that they be withheld, along with her real name.

First on the street, then in private homes, in brothels and bars in Switzerland, France, Greece and finally in Germany, Julia spent a decade selling her body - until March 10 of this year, a day she's unlikely to forget:
"The client gave me €100 ($116) for the hour, everything normal.
And that was it."

Roughly €4,000 for a room in a brothel.

It was her last client, her last day as a sex worker, the last day of so many dominated by the constant worry that she might not be able to make enough money to pay the €130 daily rent for the room in the brothel where she worked and lived.

Every evening, regardless of whether she was sick, regardless of whether it was a good night or bad, she had to hand over the money, totaling almost €4,000 every month.

That day was also the last in the endless cycle of long nights and short days, the forced smiles and faked cheerfulness.

When Julia decided to enter the sex industry in her early twenties, she knew it might not be easy, she told DW.

"But it was a lot harder than I expected."

She had opted for sex work "because I wanted a better life for my children."

She had given birth to her first of two children when she was fourteen and left school when she was still in her teens.

An old, slightly grainy picture on her cell phone shows a woman with peroxide blond hair, high heels and gaudy underwear, posing for the camera in a brightly illuminated hallway.

Julia struggled to explain why she kept the photos.

"I was young," she said, almost apologetically.

It's hard to reconcile the old photos with the woman whom DW met on a hot day in late May in a counseling center for sex workers in Stuttgart, an industrial town in southern Germany.

Perched on a couch, her makeup discreet, her plain plaid shirt buttoned up, she spoke eloquently and calmly about her time as a sex worker and her decision to leave the profession.

No welfare, maybe a bus ticket.

In the end, Julia realized that despite working most nights, she was unable to put any money aside for herself and her two sons.

She told DW about the panic attacks that started creeping up on her almost every day a few months ago.

"Sometimes, I have to take Xanax," she said, referring to an anti-anxiety drug.

Panic attacks, depression and insomnia are usual symptoms of the trade, according to Sabine Constabel.

She is the head of Sisters, an organization that aims to help women leave the sex trade.

Sisters helps them find a place to live and pays for their expenses until they can stand on their own feet.

Women like Julia don't qualify for welfare payments from the German state, given that they never paid taxes.
"At the most, they'll get a bus ticket back home," Constabel said.

Constabel is convinced that sex work is nothing else than rape.
It's a word she keeps on repeating.

"The trade commodifies women.
They're nothing more than dirt."

( Gagrule )

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