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Torre Grimesi di Mazara del Vallo + Olio extra vergine d'oliva D.O.P. ++STOP++Fiori di Fichi d'India ++++ Mandorle Siciliane +STOP+Il Vino Cotto +Caponata ++ Paté di Olive verdi + Pomodori Secchi +STOP+ Olive in Salamoia

ref:topbtw-1263.html/ 27 Maggio 2018/A

Guerre rotta di avvicinamento

"Congress Directs Immediate Weaponization of Space to Block Missile Strikes"


Ormai la possibilità che Putin possa disporre di missili "globali" a propulsione nucleare pare non solo essere una reale minaccia ma anche una vera realtà tecnologica.

Anche la possibilità che l'Iran completi le prove del suo nuovo missile a lungo raggio in grado di colpire Israele e molti interessi vitali per gli USA pare una seria minaccia tecnicamente in fase di realizzazione, con l'aggravante che il nuovo missile è in grado di poter trasporate una testata nucleare.

E quindi, mutate le situazioni strategiche, aumentati i rischi di essere vulnerabili, anche i trattati per la non-proliferazione dello spazio verranno rivisti.

Il Congresso ha esplicitamente richiesto di "armare" lo spazio..

Il Senatore Cruz ha confermato l'intenzione di attuare, in tempi brevi, un serio programma di armamento spaziale, un programma già annunciato, in modo diverso ma pure sempre esplicito, qualche settimana fa del Pesidente Trump.

Insomma "guerre stellari" in rotta di avvicinamento..

"Congress Directs Immediate Weaponization of Space to Block Missile Strikes"

Congress is ordering the Pentagon to immediately begin construction of space-based missile interceptors to counter increasing threats from North Korea, Iran, and other countries with advanced missile technology..

The space-based interceptor program—a plan for the United States to deploy satellites into space capable of destroying ballistic missiles before they even take flight—has been on ice for years due to repeated delays by the Pentagon.

Congressional frustration over the issue has been mounting for some time, leading Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas), a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, to push a new legislative measure to cut through the red tape and order the Pentagon to immediately begin construction on the advanced missile defense system.

Cruz is the author of an amendment to the 2019 National Defense Authorization Act, a mammoth yearly spending bill that funds American national security priorities, ordering the Pentagon to begin building space-based interceptors within the next year.

The measure alters current legislation on the books to push the Pentagon into beginning work on the project on a more immediate timeframe.

"The Defense Department has long recognized the benefits of intercepting missiles during their boost phase, including and especially nuclear ICBMs that could be used to threaten the American homeland," Cruz said.

"For the last several years, however, partisan division and bureaucratic inertia have prevented us from taking the critical steps to develop this technology, which is necessary to protect the American people from the weapons being stockpiled by our adversaries at this very moment.

I was deeply gratified that both Republicans and Democrats joined me in removing these barriers and paving the way for effective space-based missile interceptors."

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